Authorized Broker|Online Convenience

Authorized Broker| Online Convenience

Insurance Policy
Authorized Broker | Online Convenience

Relax and enjoy your holiday with the best travel insurance plans.
Quick & Easy Online Purchase

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    Compare and Buy Travel Insurance online

    A travel insurance policy offers coverage against various risks when one is travelling either within his/ her own country or abroad.

    Compare and Get Travel Insurance in UAE. The insured is covered against unpredictable events such as illness, flight cancellation or baggage loss during the period of travel, be it a business trip or family vacation.

    The benefits offered by travel insurance include:

    Why choose us? is a platform provided by Platinum Insurance Broker LLC, a trusted insurance broker in the UAE offering a comprehensive range of insurance packages for cars, health, travel and general insurance.


    What do our Customers say about us

    Insurance Policy
    Copyright. Platinum Insurance Broker LLC.
    INSURANCEPOLICY.AE is owned and managed by PLATINUM INSURANCE BROKER LLC licensed by the Central Bank of UAE vide license number 222

    Relax and enjoy your holiday with the best travel insurance plans. Quick & Easy Online Purchase

    Share your details & we will get back to you.

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      Compare and Buy Travel Insurance online
      A travel insurance policy offers coverage against various risks when one is travelling either within his/ her own country or abroad. Compare and Get Travel Insurance in UAE. The insured is covered against unpredictable events such as illness, flight cancellation or baggage loss during the period of travel, be it a business trip or family vacation.
      The benefits offered by travel insurance include:


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      Why choose us? is a platform provided by Platinum Insurance Broker LLC, a trusted insurance broker in the UAE
      offering a comprehensive range of insurance packages for cars, health, travel and general insurance.

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      What do our Customers say about us

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