Authorized Broker|Online Convenience

Authorized Broker| Online Convenience

Claim Process

Mishaps are inevitable. That is what insurance is for.

The insurance claim process in UAE, typically involves five main stages, from the moment you report your loss to the resolution of your claim.

Notification to insurer

After you have encountered any emergency, immediately give a call to your insurer to notify them on the accident and extent of devastation. You will be guided on the claim submission formalities and asked to provide details of items that have been lost or damaged via mail or online form. Keep the receipts and invoices in hand, in addition photos of the incident may be helpful. The more information you have to explain the circumstances, the better.

Claim Submission

Prepare for claim filing by filling accurate details in the claim form, attach relevant documents (original receipts, invoices and proof of ownership), photos and evidence of damage. Once you submit the claim form, you will receive a call from the designated adjuster to start the investigation.

Claim investigation

After the claim is reported, the adjuster will investigate in detail to determine the amount of loss or damage covered by your insurance policy. The adjuster will also identify any liable parties, and you can help the process by providing any witness information or other parties’ contact information. Once the investigation is complete, the adjuster will go through your policy carefully to determine what is and isn’t covered under your policy and inform you of any applicable deductibles that may apply to your case.

Damage evaluation

To accurately evaluate the extent of the damage, your insurance adjuster may hire appraisers, engineers or contractors to lend their expert advice. Once the evaluation is finalized, your adjuster will provide you with a list of preferred vendors to help with repairs. You are not obliged to hire these vendors, but it can save you a good deal of time and research.

Payment arrangement

After repairs have been completed and lost or damaged items have been replaced, your adjuster will contact you to discuss your settlement and payment. The amount of time it takes to receive payment will depend on the complexity and severity of your situation.

Every claim is different and although the claims process can vary as per the situation, your adjuster will devote the time and attention it takes to resolve your case. Platinum Insurance Broker is committed to ensuring every claim is handled in a fair and professional manner.
