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Travel Insurance for UK Visa

Category: Travel Insurance Published on: 22 Mar 2021

Travel Insurance for UK Visa from UAE

Travelling is all about exploring new places and sharing unique experiences with loved ones. However, you may never know what unforeseen events lurk in a foreign land.

The United Kingdom (UK) is a popular tourist destination. From the Royal Buckingham Palace in London to the lush stretch of land in Scotland, the country has a majestic charm with picturesque landscapes and architectural history. Known for its vibrant city life, monumental wonders and castles, it is a dream place to visit.

Unexpected medical problems involving expensive treatment could creep up on a vacation. In such hard-hit situations, insurance helps you afford immediate hospitalization expenses, which are considerably high in the UK. Hence, ensuring your trip is stress-free. We explain why fetching a travel insurance in UAE is the best way to minimize risk and sideline worries.

Travel Insurance for UK holidays

The extent of insurance cover you require will depend on place you are travelling, the high-risk sporting activities you will be onto, the amount of money you have invested in the tour, the risk of cancellation, what valuables you’d be carrying along and the natural factors one would be exposed to.

Insurance policies while traveling to the UK include the following:
Emergency medical costs:

It includes expenses of hospital treatment, ambulance services and surgical procedure.

Cost of getting home:

In an emergency where your medical treatment needs to be continued in your country of residence this cover is offered.

Accommodation and travel:

This cover is for bringing a close relative or friend to stay with you if you cannot return when planned. This will only apply if deemed necessary by medical advice.

Emergency dental treatment:

This is for the immediate relief of pain only.

Travel delays and missed departure:

This covers any extra accommodation and travel costs for flights missed or delayed due to unforeseen weather circumstances.

Personal liability:

Most policies will offer personal liability cover that would pay for third-party accidental injury or damage to their property.

Possession’s cover:

This covers cost of lost or stolen baggage, its contents including travel document like your passport. It will pay out the additional accommodation and travel costs you must pay to replace your passport.

Cancellation cover:

Unavoidable reasons such as illness or injury would force trip cancellations, and this means loss of advance bookings. This cover can help you claim back your paid money. Be sure to verify the policy terms, as most insurers start this coverage from the trips’ start date and a cancellation prior to this won’t be covered.

It is important to read every inclusion in the travel policy and go through exclusions so that you can opt for additional coverage.

What other types of add-on covers could vacationers consider?

Whether you are travelling around the UK for business or for leisure, you consider specific add-on covers to suit your needs:

– If you are to engage in extreme sports such as skiing or snowboarding, you can opt for winter sports cover to fetch a higher level of protection than standard travel insurance.

– You can also purchase a separate terrorism extension cover which provides extended cover to compensate for the injuries, damages and loss in the event of an act of terrorism.

– If you’re planning a golf session at a resort in the UK, a golf insurance can be taken to cover your golfing equipment and personal liability.

When it comes to travel insurance, it’s important to start looking early on, around the time you are finalizing your trip itinerary. This will give you enough time to inquire on coverage, the terms and obtain the right policy to suit your needs.

For more information on travel insurance for different countries and concerns regarding extent of coverage, it’s worth getting in touch with our experienced insurance advisors to clarify all your doubts.

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